The Christmas Bird's Nest
- 5 December 2019
- Jerri Pirc
The end of November always brings the first rush of the Christmas season. No, not Black Friday, and no not the unpacking of the decorations. The tagging of the Christmas tree is an annual tradition since our move to New Zealand. We have the luxury to tag our tree at the tree farm and return on a date of our choice to cut it and bring it home. It’s been a standard joke with our friends as the process can often take an unbelievable amount of time as my standard on the height of a tree varies considerably from my husband’s. Apparently, I have no spatial awareness and assume that almost every tree could indeed fit in our house.
So, the yearly trek to the tree farm can understandably take a bit of time. This year I must say the actual tagging of the tree was “out-joyed” (yes, it should be a word if it’s not already) by the discovery of a bird's nest complete with 3 fat baby birds! I immediately went into full-blown SLT (speech-language therapist) mode AKA Auntie mode and sought to engage with every family with a child in tow. The look of awe on the sweet faces as they peeked through the branches was priceless. One grandad took a picture of the birds while I carefully held down branches on the opposite side so he could get his granddaughter in the background. Heart singing moments!
Each time we headed for the car I would meet a new child and family and had to lead them to the most precious of trees and the process was repeated. I almost felt like canceling the rest of my day and setting up myself as the Bird's Nest Guide. As we know the farmers, it was not out of the question.
Self-restraint was in full source for the morning. Many of you know I collect abandoned bird nests and have an embarrassing number in my collection. (There is some ongoing discussion in our family between the terms abandoned and stolen, but I digress.) I found several nests, all sizes, a few in perfect condition. I left them undisturbed, proclaiming they were lucky trees for those who chose them.
But the nest that “out-joyed” the tagging of our perfect tree was the nest with the babies. I left feeling that a tiny bit of joy had been shared by me and by the ripple effect of those would then choose to share as well.
A Christmas tale that says a lot about what Christmas is and does. I hope you find lots of unexpected joy to share this Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
As usual feel free to share, comment, and of course buy a book or two!
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- Tina Fahnestock
- 5 Dec 2019
- 12:23 pm
Jerri: Such joy you share! I can only imagine how many folks and wee ones were delighted with you and your fat birds! May the joy of Christmas sing in your heart once again. Love to you both at this beautiful time of year!💕💕💕
- jerri
- 5 Dec 2019
- 1:24 pm
Thanks, Tina. I knew my SLT friends who get it!
- Kristen
- 5 Dec 2019
- 5:55 pm
Jerri, I love it! What could possibly be better than inspiring a love and fascination of nature in little ones? You're the best. Xx
- Andrea Mann
- 10 Dec 2019
- 2:52 am
Beautiful story Jerri. It just goes to show, you can make a language lesson out of anything, anywhere! Hugs, Andrea